Monday, 26 December 2016

Count Your Blessings

Dear friends, 

One of the favorite things I do to count my blessings is to wake up in the middle of the night and watch my wife and son sleep. Just thinking about those times fills my heart with gladness and my face with smiles. 

I also like to BREATHE and be thankful and grateful for being alive. 

One other thing I do often is to reflect on the strong winds and storms of life; the bad times and how we came out stronger and better from those times. 

I think of how God has been faithful to my parents, siblings and my own nuclear family even when we have been less than faithful to God. 

I think about my friends; the good, the bad and the ugly and how each and everyone has been a source of learning, lifting up and encouragement. 

As 2016 comes to an end,  my prayer is that regardless of the winds, storms and the bad times we may encounter in life, our hearts and lips will continually be full of gratitude, peace and love as we continue experiencing God's mercy and grace and... 2017 and beyond we will deliberately and on purpose always COUNT OUR BLESSINGS. 

Love you all, 

'Yomi Faneye. 

Monday, 19 December 2016

Marriage & Divorce: Making Your Marriage Work

Dear friends,

Making a marriage work is one of the most tasking and also one of the most fulfilling things I have found to do in my life. It is not just something you wish and hope for; you have to “work” it out.

CAVEAT: As long as the husband and wife are committed to helping, encouraging, and lifting each other and committed to their marriage and choose to “work” out their differences, the marriage will always work.

The moment one person gives up and the other fails to do the needful which is helping, encouraging and lifting, there is a gap in the marriage just like a crack in a wall if not taken care of could lead to something harmful creeping into the marriage.

This could eventually lead to a gradual breakdown as their feelings for each other reduce while they do little or nothing to make it better.

To the man:

Learn not to take yourself too seriously and save little fights for big battles.

To the woman:

Learn not to test your man’s patience so it doesn’t run out.

To the separated and divorced:

DO NOT LET THE WORLD OR THE CHURCH LABEL YOU WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE NOT. You are firstly a human being and every human being (single, married, seperated & divorced) deserves to be happy.

If you have tried in marriage but failed, it is not the end of the world and that can never define who you are; you are the only one to define who you are. Get yourself up and try again if you can with your husband or wife; get up and try again with another person if you must but DO NOT EVER LET THE WORLD OR THE CHURCH LABEL YOU WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE NOT.

God loves you regardless of who you are, what you have done or where you have been.

A child goes from primary school to secondary school and on to the university. There are series of tests and examinations along the way the child has to pass in order to advance to the next stage or class. Sometimes, the child is asked to repeat a class because he/she has performed unsatisfactorily.

In marriage, there is a very close similarity as there are different tests and examinations the husband and wife have to pass “TOGETHER” in order to advance to the next stage or class. Make sure you study for your tests and examinations in marriage and pass them "TOGETHER" in order not to repeat the class; if you do fail, GET UP AND TRY AGAIN.

Above all, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Love you all,

‘Yomi Faneye.